Saturday, April 12, 2014

Zepparella "When the Levee Breaks" Video

So, this is not new, but I just came across it today. It's a cover of Led Zeppelin's "When the Levee Breaks" by Zepparella. I know that there are plenty of Zep cover bands out there, and this is not the only all-female one, but this might be the most that I have ever enjoyed seeing one of them perform:

Sure, other bands might be a lot wilder, with mismatched outfits and under-some-influence antics. But I like this take very much. It has a sleekness to it that keeps locked dead-on to the pulse of the song. The lead vocalist knows exactly what she's doing, and you can hear every instrument. Very cool.

While I'm at it, though, the other Zep cover performance that I really enjoyed (and I'll be honest, I haven't seen that many) was on American Idol a few years back. No, it wasn't Adam Lambert. It was Elise Testone, doing "Whole Lotta Love."

Like this:

Someone made a comment at the time, and I completely agreed, that Elise could be Robert Plant's niece. She absolutely sings the heck out of this song, up one side and down the other. The raspy vocals, the unusual runs and the best crazy-yet-listenable scream that I've ever heard anyone pull off. This song is about attitude as much as anything else, and she nails it.


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